Algology is a science that deals with pain therapy, all kinds of chronic pain, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of severe pain for which the cause is unknown or cannot be found.
Sometimes it could be a headache, neuralgia, neck pain, shoulder-arm pain, back pain, cancer-related pain, or pain due to vascular occlusion; as a conclusion, the pain that cannot be determined is treated in this department. Pain is a personal sensation and requires personalised treatment approaches. After a detailed examination, the pain specialist determines the most appropriate treatment options for the patient.
Algology department in our hospital uses a wide variety of methods to accomplish the right diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up in modern medicine for all types of pain, with priority given to cancer-related pain.
Last Update Date 18 April 2023 Editör Admin Ceyhun Taş - 0541 809 1296