
Can Bathing be done in Radiotherapy Process?

Tuesday, August 1, 2017 | Cancer
Can Bathing be done in Radiotherapy Process?

Bathing in the radiotherapy process is prohibited in the past years, but nowadays it is allowed to take baths in almost every center. Skin should be clean, it will also reduce the risk of skin reactions.
However, due to the treatment of the region with radiotherapy treatment will be sensitive, some elements must be careful. During bathing, warm water should be used, not hot water. Materials such as soap bands, pouches may damage the skin of the treatment area, so a cleaning material other than non-perfumed soap should not be brought into contact with the treatment area.
There are no restrictions on other areas of the body. In long-term treatments, some skin reactions may be followed, especially towards the end, and in this case the bathing for a while may be forbidden by the doctor. Because in such cases skin moistening increases the severity of skin reactions, delaying its healing. It is important to note that the dressing is made from clean, soft and non-irritating material to be worn on the treatment area, then to be well dried and also to absorb the skin moisture in sweating situations.
Also, care should be taken not to damage the lines drawn on the patient's skin during the radiotherapy planning. 



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