Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Friday, July 28, 2017 | Healthy lifestyle
The Disease of the Computer Workers / Mouse Disease
Long hours spent at the computer, the wrist is affected negatively by the use of keyboard and mouse; It often causes widespread disease among occupational groups such as wood carving, turning, or knitting or embroidery, which often requires wrist movement. The disease can manifest itself as pain and numbness on the second and third fingers with the thumb, and can lead to loss of strength and muscle weakness in advanced situations.
A nerve and muscle ligaments from the cord pass through a narrow canal or tunnel in the wrist area at the base of the hand grenade, reaching the hand. This narrow channel is called the Carpal Tunnel, and the nerve passing through the carpal tunnel is called the Median Nerve. The carpal tunnel is only as wide as the median nerve and muscle ligaments can accommodate. Any formation or swelling that occupies space within the canal will cause the tissues to become trapped. This compression in the median nerve is manifested by the symptoms of numbness and numbness in the areas where the nerve stimulates. This picture, which is caused by the compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel, is called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
What are the causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
In Carpal Tunnel or around any cause inflammation which leads to an accumulation of fluid or abnormal growth of tissue irritation may generate the carpal tunnel syndrome. It also provides the basis for the development of carpal tunnel syndrome in various metabolic diseases.
What are the indications of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome leads to a statement that can also extend to one or both arms. Indications are caused by nerve entrapment within the tunnel. This nerve provides the sensation of the thumb, the middle of the sign, and the half of the ring finger. At the same time, he stimulates his muscle finger to move his index finger to the small finger and move his index finger in a circle.
How is the diagnosis done?
Diagnosis is done by measuring the nerve function in the wrist by electromyography (EMG).
How is the treatment done?
There are different treatment alternatives in the presence of Carpal tunnel Syndrome. Bandage is the most commonly used method. Resting the fingers, hands and wrists in their natural position is a very effective way of reducing the pressure in the carpal tunnel. If the bandage does not reduce the pain, a small dose of cortisone or local anesthetic injection into the wrist can be done. Surgical treatment of the median nerve that is trapped in advanced conditions may be necessary.
What are the measures?
-Restricting salt intake to reduce water retention
-Hand wrist not to be held in the same position for a long time
-Rest your wrist at regular intervals
-Do not make repetitive movements for a long time
-Obesity is a risk factor for carpal tunnel syndrome and weight gain
-Exercises to prevent CTS.