
Is 90% Treatment Success For Lung Cancer Possible?

Wednesday, January 9, 2019 | Cancer
Is 90% Treatment Success For Lung Cancer Possible?

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death among men and women.

Despite the advances in treatment over the last decades, 5 year survival rate of all lung cancer patients  has remained largely unchanged (%18-only 18 of 100 patients survive  at the end of 5 years period ). This is mostly due to late diagnosis. At the time of diagnosis  most of the patients have either locally advanced (stage 3) or metastatic disease (stage 4) .

According to lung cancer 8th staging system, if a cancer tissue is equal or smaller than 1 cm without lymph node involvement and  metastasis; it is classified as stage 1A1. İf you can detect the cancer at this stage and remove it by surgery; you can have a five year survival rate of 90%.

So the most important question is “how can we detect a lung cancer  in early stages?”


As most frequent symptoms  of lung cancer such as cough wheezing and dyspnea are often attributed to other diseases such as COPD or smoking  ; and  alarming symptoms like  hemoptysis, bone pain  and seizures do  occur at the late stages it is often very hard to have an early diagnosis relying on symptoms.

Lung cancer screening which is “low dose ct scans for people without symptoms”?

Clinical trials showed that screening healthy  individuals with smoking history using low dose ct annually increased early diagnosis rate and  decreased the mortality rate from lung cancer by 20%

And yes ; 90% treatment success is possible for stage 1A1 lung cancer patients  detected by screening.


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