Patient Rights

It is organized to inform all patients and their relatives about the rights and responsibilities of the Istanbul Oncology Center.


Rights of Patients and Their Relatives The Right to Benefit from Services; Every individual who applies to the hospital, Race, language, religion, sect,

has the right to receive service regardless of gender, philosophical belief, economic and social status.


Information and Requesting Information;

Patients and their legal representatives have the right to request all information and documents related to the healthcare services and all processes related to the services provided.


Rights to Choose and Change Healthcare Organization;

The patient has the right to choose his / her physician and / or health institution in subjects such as which treatment method to use and to change it at any stage of the treatment.


Rights to Privacy;

Patient privacy is especially important in clinical interviews, examinations, interventions / treatments, and transfer. Patients can be confidential from other staff, patients and even their own family members.


Refusal of Treatment, Right to Consent (Approval);

Once patients have been adequately informed, they have the right to accept, reject or stop the proposed treatment.


Rights to Security and Quality Standards;

Patients have the right to receive safe and quality health care, and to be protected from risks and medical errors in health care.


Right to Fulfill Their Religious Duties;

All the patients and their relatives have the right to ask for a place where they can perform their prayers within the scope of the facilities of the health institution.


Right to Respect and Reputation;

Patients and their relatives always have the right to undergo examination, diagnosis, and treatment in an environment that is respectful, gentle, compassionate, and friendly about their personal values ​​and religious beliefs.

It has.


Rights to Visit and Companion;

Unless it prevents the diagnosis and treatment of the patients, all patients have the right to accept visitors and have a companion in accordance with the procedures and principles determined by the health institution.


Right to Complain;

Patients and their relatives have the right to complain and sue in case of violation of their rights during the delivery of the health service. Again, patients and their relatives have the right to report their complaints about patient rights to hospital officials.


Responsibilities of Patients and Their Relatives

General Responsibilities;

People should do their best to take care of their own health and follow the advice given for a healthy life.

Social Security Status;

Patients must report changes in their health, social security and personal information in a timely manner.

Informing Healthcare Professionals;

The patient complains, his previous illnesses and medications, infectious diseases, etc. give the information completely and completely.


Complying with Hospital Rules;

Patients and relatives; It must comply with the rules and practices of the health institution it applies to.

Compliance with Recommendations on Treatment;

The patient should listen carefully and follow the advice regarding his treatment and the medications he will use. The treatment to be applied

he / she is responsible for the consequences resulting from the rejection or non-compliance.


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