
Falling in the snow in winter and Osteoclasis

Tuesday, August 1, 2017 | Healthy lifestyle
Falling in the snow in winter and Osteoclasis


Contrary to what is known, fractures caused by fall falling from the slippery slope in the winter are less visible than those seen in the summer. Because people are more active and more active in the spring and summer months. People in the winter are more rare and more homeless than their homes. During winter season falls; Fractures of individuals over the age of 70-80 years. 70% of fractures that occur as a result of falls are seen in people over 75 years old. Naturally, fractures can be seen with serious falls at any age. 
It is necessary to take some measures in order not to encounter a fracture. Fracture healing, while changing according to the fracture site, reduces the comfort of life seriously. Sometimes it can be seen that bed rest, sometimes plastering or even amelia is necessary. The cost and consequences of prevention are always better than the cost and outcome of treatment. The characteristic of the winter season is that the floor you are pressing is slippery and distorted, and therefore it is easy and frequent to fall. Therefore; The base of the shoe should be the kind that prevents sliding. To cold with cold reason is to walk to the hands of the client, to invite the enemy to fall. The balance of the hands is easily disturbed by the walking of the hands on the cepte. Wearing gloves can prevent the cold of the hands. The oscillation of the hands and arms next to the body is necessary in order to balance. It is important to see the floor that you press while walking on slippery floors. It's dangerous to use a cell phone while walking on a slippery floor. If there is frequent use, the headset, Bluetooth and so on connection is recommended. Having a handkerchief or umbrella for those with an age and medical problem allows people on the periphery to pay attention and makes the walk more balanced. You have to choose safe routes for the destination, walk in short steps and be an assistant if necessary. It would be more appropriate to limit as far as possible to go out in bad weather and ground conditions. 
Domestic falls are the problems we face most often. With some precautions you can take against domestic enemies, you can reduce falls and prevent any possible fractures. 
It should be avoided from the clothes and things that could cause the slippage in the house and cause it to fall first. Inside the house should be kept away from hard and angular material. Falling in the house and falling at night are the most frequent falls in the house. Banyoda should be kept away from slippery floors. Bathroom floor must be supported by material that prevents slipping. In bathrooms and toilets, brackets should be installed for holding. It should be at the place where the light can be easily opened by standing up at night or open light should be available.
Fractures with weak bone structure are more easily seen with falls. After a certain age, osteoporosis (bone erosion) is common. Sometimes bone is spontaneously fractured in people with bone marrow. A number of measures can be taken to avoid such a fracture.
The view that genetic structure, childhood nutrition and physical activity are the main factors determining the health of the musculoskeletal system gain weight in recent years. In every period of your life; Healthy and balanced nutrition, physical activity, adequate amount of vitamin D and calcium intake are essential for the health of our bones.
From here to childhood; Calcium-rich nutrition, sporting and balanced - healthy nutrition. If it is desired that the bone-muscle system be healthy throughout life, we should give importance to the nutrition and sports of our children.
In order not to break their bones, There should be no suggestions like getting up from the place, traveling around. On the contrary, it is known that older individuals work on bones and muscles, and bones remain intact as long as they carry the body. As long as they can, they must be protected. In order to realize this movement, a request for assistance should be made if necessary.
Deterioration of the body control mechanism of the brain with aging can be seen. Frequently and easily falling individuals should be considered to have a neurological problem in their bed. In such cases, medical treatment may be required.
Muscles and bones should be known in what condition, if the discomfort of life comfort is not wanted, the things to be done for keeping intact should not be forgotten.
For this purpose, you can:
Daily adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D,
Sufficient amount of protein intake and balanced healthy nutrition,
Physical activity, walking, exercise.
The human body needs to calcify a certain amount of daily diary every year. If this need is not provided by means of food, the daily calcium requirement is met by dissolution from the calcium store bones. If you do not take enough calcium-rich foods like milk-yogurt, cheese, and crustaceans, it works like a mechanism that weakens the bones. If these foods can not be taken for various reasons, this need should be met with tablets. Similarly, it is necessary to take a sufficient amount of vitamin D per day for our bones to remain healthy. Sunscreen sunshine (arms and face open) for a half hour a day usually meets the daily Vitamin D requirement of the body. The sun transforms into an active vitamin D-3 in the liver by affecting a substance in the deep. It is recommended that those who are not able to go out of the house and stay in closed areas receive Vitamin D supplements. 
Physical activity at all ages has been shown to positively affect the bone muscle system. Physical activity reduces both the rate of decline by 10-50% and helps keep the muscles and bones intact. Taking into account age and health status, it has been shown that a total of 4 hours of live walks a week affects the hip fractures 40% positively.
The main building blocks of the musculoskeletal system are proteins. If enough protein is not taken, the muscles are weak. Weak muscles lead to easier falls. It leads to more fragile bone structure. It should not be forgotten that besides these basic substances, many vitamins and elements affect the muscle-bone structure in a positive way with adequate and balanced nutrition.
In order to keep your bones and muscles healthy, appropriate sports for age and health, balanced diet, adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D and adequate protein intake should not be forgotten.



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