
Heart Disease and Prevention in Turkey

Monday, June 5, 2017 | Healthy lifestyle
Heart Disease and Prevention in Turkey

Infection diseases are reducing, while chronic diseases are increasing all over the World.

Cardiovascular diseases are in the first place of leading cause of death in Turkey as %40. Followed by cancer diseases with  %20 and respiratory diseases with %11. (TSI 2015)

Coronary heart disease is the first place in heart and cardiovascular system diseases.

Coronary heart disease in Turkey occurs 10 years earlier than European countries and Turkey ranks first among European countries in deaths below 50 years due to coronary heart disease. (EUROASPİRE 3)

According to 2012 data, there are 3.5 million coronary heart patients in Turkey, 95.000 of them dies and 140.000 new patients are added to this number every year. (TEKHARF study)

The current situation is worrying but it is widely possible to reduce the risk of coronary heart diseases with measures to be taken. You can achieve this by simple changes you make to your lifestyle.



  1. Eat health. Feed with low animal fat content food (avoid fatty foods, offal, sausages, salami etc) and feed with high fiber foods(25-30 gr per day). Eat 4-5 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables a day.

Eat 2-3 days a week legumes (such as chickpeas, beans, lentils) and fish. Eat nuts 2 to 3 servings in week and eat rye bread made of whole grain instead of processed white flour.



  1. Do regular exercise. Have at least half an hour walk for at least 5 days a week. Regular exercise will make it easier for you to reach your normal weight, helping you lower your cholesterol and your blood pressure.
  2. Leave the cigarette. Do not forget that the substances in the cigarette increases the risk of heart attack by 2-4 times.
  3. If you have diabetes or hypertension, be sure to be treated.
  4. Learn to control the stress.

As a result, be peacefull to yourself and look positively to life. If you have a smiling face, don’t forget that other people around you will smile. 


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