Is Digestive System Endoscopy a Painful Practice?
Friday, July 28, 2017 | Healthy lifestyleGastroscopy (endocrinology of the stomach and intestines and endoscopic examination of the intestines and the intestines) and colonoscopy (endoscopic examination of the large intestine) are the methods by which the most common parts of the digestive system can be seen from inside to reveal the disease. During gastroscopy, the feeling of grinding disturbs the patient more than the pain. During colonoscopy, the corners resulting from the natural structure of the large intestine may cause tension in the intestine and some pain during endoscopy. During colonoscopy, the colon also needs to be ventilated into the intestine in order to open the walls of the colon normally clinging to each other (closed) and to better see the inner surface of the intestine. This creates a bulge in the complaint. For these reasons, in order to make the patients more comfortable and comfortable during the procedure, vigorous sedation medications can be given during both administration, and anesthesia specialist can perform mild anesthesia.