
What You Need to Know About Colonoscopy

Friday, July 28, 2017 | Healthy lifestyle
What You Need to Know About Colonoscopy

What is Colonoscopy? 
It is a safe and effective visual inspection of the entire layer of the thick intestine with a long, bendable tubular device. The thickness of the device is smaller than our finger. It is used to diagnose large intestinal diseases, biopsy and removal of polyps. It can be done many times without the need to bed in the hospital and with little discomfort to the patient.
Colonoscopy to who should be made?
Problems such as changes in bowel habits, bleeding, etc. may indicate probable problems in the large intestine, and the doctor may recommend colonoscopy.
At the same time;
Unexplained abdominal pain and symptoms
Inflammatory bowel disease control (Colitis, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis)
When polypoid tumors are suspected in barium enema of large intestine
When blood is detected in stool
Unexplained diarrhea and changes in bowel habits
Patients who have previously had colon polyposis or cancer
Colonoscopy should be done in those who have polyp or Colon Cancer story in their family.
The information that the patient needs to give to the doctor before colonoscopy:
Do you use blood-diluting medicine / aspirin and its species (Voltaren, Apranax, Ibupen, Naprosin etc.)?
Is there a health problem that requires the use of antibiotics?
Is there a tendency to bleed? (Nose bleeding, bleeding after the accident is a long time?
Diabetes / Heart disease / Is there a neurological disease?
Is she pregnant ?



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