What is Epilepsy?
Monday, July 31, 2017 | Healthy lifestyle
Most people know epilepsy as a disease caused by seizures that cause the patient to spread, uncontrollable tremors, frothy mouth and urinary incontinence. The ancient Greeks believed that you had such a person gin. And the origin of this word comes from this: in Greek it means "to be caught or not to be attacked".
Undoubtedly, during a seizure (sometimes called epilepsy or epilepticus) the patient loses control over the various body functions: some lose control of their muscles, others lose control over their thinking process or memory ... This is a disorder in the brain.
What is the seizure?
An epileptic seizure can best be described as a sudden storm in the brain. There is a temporary breakdown in the connection network between the millions of cells in his brain. These brain cells are constantly exchanging information. Normally this happens in a planned way. In epileptic patients, large brain cell groups sometimes start exchanging information with each other. This confusion that arises also creates an epileptic seizure. However, the brain has the ability to regain its own order. Therefore, the seizure will gradually disappear. However, seizures may last longer in some patients.
You can say that an epileptic patient's brain is slightly more sensitive than a healthy person's brain. The function of the brain between seizures in an epileptic patient is usually as normal as in other people. Even during an EEG scan that measures the electrical activity of the brain, nothing usually happens. However, this does not mean that EEG scanning is not a valuable diagnostic method.
In fact, a person with epilepsy is only sick during the seizure. For this reason, the aim of any treatment is to minimize the risk of a vomiting. In most patients, drug use can significantly reduce the risk of seizures.
If a person has had at least two seizures and seizures regularly (even if only once in a year), he or she is considered to be suffering from epilepsy. For this reason, a seizure does not automatically lead to the recognition of epilepsy.
Epilepsy in all its shapes and sizes
Epilepsy is not a disease with a specific cause. This disease is actually a collection of symptoms. Seizures come in all shapes and sizes.
Basically, there are two types of seizures:
• Seizures originating from a specific region of the brain; Doctors define this as partial (partial) seizure or partial seizure seizure;
• Seizures resulting from all brain cells at the same time; This is known as a generalized (general) seizure. An important feature of this type of seizure is the loss of consciousness.
However, this does not mean that the patients have always fainted. Often, there are moments of very short absences (plunge) that are passed before others become aware. This type of seizure is also known as 'absence seizure'.
In children, epilepsy is completely lost. This is sometimes true for adults; But even if the epilepsy continues, the disease can often be controlled in an acceptable way by medication.