Fasting Blood Sugar: It is used in the diagnosis and follow-up of diabetes (diabetes).
Hemogram: It is used in the diagnosis of blood diseases.
Triglyceride - Cholesterol (HDl-LDL-VLDL-TOTAL CHOLESTEROL): It is fat in the blood and used for risk determination, diet regulation and follow-up in terms of cardiovascular diseases.
SGOT (AST) -SGQT (ALT): It provides information about liver functions.
GGT: It is used in the diagnosis of biliary tract and liver diseases.
URINE-URIC ACID-CREATINE: It gives information about kidney functions and diseases.
TIT (Complete Urinalysis): It is used in the diagnosis of urinary tract infections.
TSH -Ft3 (Free T3) Ft4 (Free T4): It provides information about thyroid functions and diseases.
Hbsag: Provides information about hepatitis B disease.
Sedimentation Rate: It is a laboratory test that helps diagnosis in many diseases such as infectious diseases, inflammatory diseases and tumors.
Psa Total-Free: Used in the diagnosis of Prostate Diseases.
Vitamin B12: It is used to investigate macrocytic anemia and to determine the cause of mental or behavioral changes in the elderly.
Fecal Occult Blood: It is used in the diagnosis of cancers and cancers of the digestive system.
Electrocardiogram-Echocardiography: It gives general information about heart diseases.
Chest X-ray
Thyroid Usg
Abdominal & Pelvis Usg
Internal Diseases Examination
Cardiology Examination
Last Update Date 24 July 2020 Editör Admin Ceyhun Taş - 0541 809 1296